Monday, January 05, 2015
21c President and Founder, Dr Julia Glidden was invited by Google to be a key speaker at their TEDx event on Smart Cities, which was held in London on 1 December 2014. Event themes ranged from the history of urbanisation through to new open source models for Local Government service delivery, and were presented by such eminent figures as John Grindrod, the author of ‘Concretopia: Rebuilding Britain’, Camilla Ween, the author of ‘Future Cities: All That Matters’, Tom Steinberg, the founder of mySociety, Julie McCann, professor of Computer Systems at the Imperial College London, and Dan Hill, the Executive Director of Futures at the UK’s Future Cities Catapult. Julia, for her part, set out the concept of city as an innovation platform, and explained the many ways in which Open Data can be used to harness the power of city’s greatest resource – its citizens. Julia used Citadel as a prime example of how to aggregate and scale city innovation, highlighting its achievements over the past three years. To watch the video click on this .