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{ "attribute": [ { "term": "Tel", "text": "+44 (0)161 998 2117", "tplIdentifier": "#Citadel_telephone", "type": "tel" }, { "term": "url", "text": "", "tplIdentifier": "#Citadel_website", "type": "url" }, { "term": "E-mail", "text": "", "tplIdentifier": "#Citadel_email", "type": "email" } ], "category": [ "Farm", "Municipal Park" ], "id": 412, "location": { "address": { "city": "Manchester", "postal": "M23 0AB", "value": "Wythenshawe Road, Northenden" }, "point": { "pos": { "posList": "53.404683 -2.279476", "srsName": " }, "term": "centroid" } }, "title": "Wythenshawe Park" }
Nice work Alan, would you mind sharing how you did the conversion? And yes, by all means, upload the JSON ;)
OK, I'll upload the JSON data when I know I've got it working correctly with my copy of the POIs template.
As for converting the data, I wrote a quick and dirty Ruby script. I can upload that but not sure where to?
Hi Alan,
You can use the User Extensions area to upload your script.
Alright, I'll transfer the JSON information when I know I've got it working accurately with my duplicate of the PoIS layout.
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