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I was in Ghent this weekend and tested the parking template when searching for parking. However the information included in it the template is quite poor, just 5 parking lots and no info about price and available spaces. So I ended up with Parkopedia (http://en.parkopedia.be/parking/gent/)- the crowd-sourcing project which provides also price info, price calculator for selected time period etc.
Thoughts for the future:
- include more info about parking lots, especially pricing
- to have dynamic data on free parking spaces
- include the price calculator for selected time period
- see other POIs on the map (public transport etc.) and have the option to search for parking according to the distance from selected POI category (city historical sites, public transport, shopping malls etc)
- maybe use some of the Parkopedia Data (http://en.parkopedia.be/license-parking-data/)?
Anyway I like the html5 template working in mobile phone browser (android) and its design.
Hi Jiri,
Next time you are in Ghent be sure to drop by at our offices ;)
Concerning the parking data: we (the municipality and mobiliteitsbedrijf.be - in cooperation with their partners) are currently beta testing an application which runs on real-time parking availability data. The 18th of december this API goes public and app developers will have access to the real-time data. This should include pricing and accessibility. We can currently only do it for 5 of the 7 public parkings in the city (due to legal issues) but hope to extend the API later on.
We would have to research what needs to be done to pipe this data into the templates but it definitely is feasible :)
Hello Thimo,
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