Tuesday, October 21, 2014
On October 20, the Issy-les-Moulineaux town hall hosted a workshop dedicated to Open Data in the framework of the European project Citadel on the Move. This project has developed simple tools to support the first steps of local communities in their efforts to open public data. The workshop was organized jointly by , and .
About fifty representatives of local authorities (Urban community of Grand Paris Seine Ouest, the cities of Boulogne-Billancourt, Chaville, Créteil, Metz, Meudon or Vanves) turned up for a demonstration of these tools (a data converter and an Application Generation Tool).
After a presentation of the Citadel on the Move’s project objectives (i.e. facilitating open data for European local authorities), the experience of Issy-les-Moulineaux, which opened its data in February 2012, helped to suggest an approach to local authorities that wish to adopt an open data strategy: start small, with a pragmatic attitude and progress step by step. The white paper prepared by "Citadel on the move," explaining the process with details (open, structure and convert data, give visibility to the data, create applications) allowed to offer a didactic approach to the participants.
A citizen of Issy-les-Moulineaux, Carlos Rodriguez, shared his experience of citizen developer, starting from some data released by the city on the Open Data National Portal (data.gouv.fr). In fact, he developed an application on Android that locates around you the points of interest related to health (defibrillators, pharmacies, hospitals, etc.). He asked other cities to open their data to let his application be used beyond the city of Issy-les-Moulineaux.
During the workshop, the Urban Community of Grand Paris Seine Ouest announced the creation of an account on the National Portal data.gouv.fr and also promised the publication of the first datasets in the coming days.
The objective of such workshop is to show the way forward to the other cities of the Urban Community, that are invited to open their public data in order to facilitate the creation of new applications by the citizens and local businesses. The publication of these data will allow, for example, the , developed by the local company Navidis, to offer to users a tool adapted to their needs.
Source: http://www.issy.com/home/issy-a-smart-city/grand-paris-seine-ouest-goes-for-open-data